Today, Monday Nov 13, is the last day to get “Work in Production Part Two: How to writer a killer cover letter that the UPM will actually want to read” for FREE on Kindle. The regular price will be $4.49, so still a great bargain for just on 40 pages of great information.
To whet your appetite, here is an excerpt about targeting your job search, with an exercise for helping you drill down to your priorities.
Time is a pie – there is only so much of it. Consider your priorities – which area of the business or type of project will bring you the greatest fulfillment, and have the right amount of remuneration? It is better to focus your job search activities, including networking, on the jobs and areas of the industry that will move you towards your goals. Targeting is better than blanketing. This applies to ANY job searching.
Here is the rubric I encourage my clients to consider when targeting their job search.
Exercise: Think over these questions referring to the Rubric Diagram. There are no wrong answers, only what will work best for you, your current situation, and your life goals:
- Which area of the business, or type of project, will bring you the greatest fulfillment?
- What kind of work will have the right amount of remuneration? What is your minimum needed annual income?
- What is more important – security (e.g.: a long-term commitment of a TV series, a permanent job producing in-house industrials) or the free time to pursue your own projects?
- How tolerant of risk are you?
- Would doing support work on big pictures, or high-end commercials, give you enough income to allow you to take on the lead job in a lower budget but interesting project?
- Which projects bring you the greatest joy? How important to you is the idea of leaving a legacy? Or is the thrill of being on the forefront of trends (like web streaming) more important?
- What are your skills? Which give you the most enjoyment when used? What is the most fun?
- What about personality traits and characteristics – extrovert or introvert? Enjoy strenuous physical activities? Team worker, or prefer individual tasks? Put off by or love hi-tech?
- Are you interested in original ideation – being in at the genesis of a project, or do you prefer to design to a brief – that is to use your artisan skills creatively to solve other people’s problems? (You may like both, as I do, but your job opportunities are likely to be in one area or another.)
The answers to these questions help you define clear long-term goals, and help you develop great, personally relevant sentences to include in your cover letters.