I help you write Resumes and Cover Letters for the Entertainment Industry. Welcome to the Holiday Season 2024!
I am currently planning my Q1 2025 client schedule.
If you need resume help, please EMAIL ME DIRECTLY at RobynLCoburn@gmail.com
I need your help learning about the kind of resume and job search training would work best for you – will you fill out a Survey about how I can best serve you BEFORE DECEMBER 7TH ? LAST CHANCE TO BECOME A BETA TESTER AND GET THE COURSE FOR FREE.
I will provide new content here and in my “monthly” newsletter. I am available for group presentations.
Send me an email at RobynLCoburn@gmail.com to get started with your next resume.
“I’m a big fan of the cover letter formatting and writing. This exceeded my expectations by a long shot. I was blown out of the water by how in depth of a review and critique I was given! Absolutely amazing! Okay if that is too much let me know. But honestly that’s how I would tell somebody.” ~ Kevin GoolsbyMY NEW FREEBIE IS HERE! FORMERLY ONLY FOR CLIENTS, YOU CAN GET MY COLD CALLING SCRIPT AND INTERVIEW TIPS BY SIGNING UP FOR MY LIST-
If you are sending out the same resume and cover letter you would use for business, office or sales work, you are doing it wrong!
Those other resume “how to” books don’t show you how to write an industry specific resume for crew members in film production companies or theater companies. Mine does, though!
You need Resume and Cover Letter advice from a person with over 40 years in show business.
“Thank you for all your counseling. I have already begun researching production companies for information. I have followed your page on Facebook and encouraged some others to do the same.” ~ Matthew Daugherty
I have been working in professional theater since I was 16 years old, and that is over 40 years. I first worked on a motion picture in the Production Office in 1992, and then started working on set in 1993, in the Art Department. I am still a screenwriter, Production Designer, and active member of Women in Media.
I’ve been a beginner, and I’ve been a department head. I have hired and fired people from film and theater jobs. I’ve written many iterations of my own resume, and I’ve read a ton of resumes and cover letters.
Most of all I’ve made stupid mistakes – but you don’t have to make the same ones!
A theater or film resume is not the same as one for any other kind of job including office or sales jobs (both industries I have also worked in). You can’t make up a “one size fits all” resume. I’ve been in the production office talking over the resumes in the pile, and I’ve heard how the employers read them over and what they look for. It’s not you bragging about how much you know or trying to convince anyone that you have more experience than you do.
But you are selling them YOU, not your skills.
One of my passions is helping people get started. I want to help you make your resume, cover letter stand out from the crowd, and I want to help you make your website look professional.
“I just wanted to say thank you so much for your time. I absolutely love all the advice you’ve given me on my head shots, resume, and cover letter. I really think that this will be a great help for me in finding an agent and with my auditions. Thank you so much!!” ~ Kaitlin Jean Patterson
“I accepted an offer! I’m so grateful for your help. I had so many layers to work through and it would’ve taken me a lot longer if I hadn’t gone through the process with you. You certainly go above and beyond what I would’ve expected. I hope I won’t need an update, but it’s good to know it’s available.” ~ Laura Endres
What I do:
- Correct common formatting errors in your TWO essential resume documents – your production resume for networking, and your ATS (Applicant Tracking System) optimized resume for listed job applications
- Ensure you are using the right lingo and optimize the language to reflect your goals as well as your history
- Help you translate your non-industry work experience into a film/theater related skills set
- Show you how to deconstruct a job listing, and customize your resume to that listing
- Cover letter review, and the most important thing to say on your cover letter if you can
- Show you things to avoid
- Make sure your professional website and LinkedIn profile are all they can be
- Provide general career advice and suggestions for job hunting
Done-for-You Resume Package: $350
Done-for-You Resume and Cover Letter Package: $480
Payable in two installments – half as a non-refundable upfront deposit, with the second half due when you find paid work, or when you can.
About My Books:
- Based on my recent work with clients and the articles in my blog, you will find all my suggestions to improve your resume and find work in Film and Television Production. Upcoming titles will address your cover letter, portfolio, working in theater, and how to analyze a job listing to optimize your customization.
- Includes cold calling tips and scripts.
- Ideas for how you can improve your skills and marketability.
- Ideas for finding new job leads, and start networking.
- The difference between an ATS optimized resume and your production work/crew resume
Work In Production Part Two: How to write a killer cover letter the UPM will actually want to read $4.49 US
- A step-by-step process for defining great content, telling your story and clarifying your goals, to enable you to write a stand-out, individualized cover letter that shows off your skills and uniqueness
- Includes self-reflective exercises in each chapter
- Job hunting tips
- Advice about networking
- Bonus chapter: Tips for completing online job applications!
Dervish Dust : The Life and Words of James Coburn
Published December 1, 2021 by Potomac Books/University of Nebraska Press.

- The Authorized biography of Oscar-winning actor James Coburn
- With a Foreword by James H. Coburn IV
- Currently available – visit DervishDust.com for a discount code to buy direct from the publisher!
I offer brief feedback via email to my list subscribers. Join and then Send me your resume via RobynLCoburn@gmail.com
Available for group presentations on Resume Formatting, Writing Cover Letters, and Understanding Job Listings. Email me for pricing, and group minimums.
Disclaimer: I want you to be happy, but no-one can guarantee you any particular job or overall success in your career. This business depends on so many factors both within and outside of any one job seeker’s control. You are paying for my expert opinion and suggestions, but it will be up to you to take responsibility and implement the ideas as you see fit. I am not to be held liable in any way for any results, damages or difficulties resulting from my suggestions.
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