Our industry has been hit very hard by the pandemic. The creativity and cleverness of so many content creators in continuing to make original and new product for shows has been amazing. It has been everything from shooting in isolation (all the late night shows and Saturday Night Live, The Voice – NBC), to concluding some stories with animations (The Blacklist – NBC) , to incorporating working from home and quarantine into the story line itself (All Rise – CBS, Parks and Rec Special – NBC). I imagine there are a lot of writers working furiously, especially in the television world.
However, many people are suffering, especially when you consider that the “day jobs” of so many creatives are also on hiatus – restaurant and events work.
Meanwhile the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers and FilmLA have created a committee – the Industry Wide Labor -Management Safety Committee Task Force – and produced a white paper, that is important reading for all.
These are the kind of guidelines that will be incorporated into film and television production going forward. They detail a road map of ongoing safety precautions for filming in the age of Covid-19. Many of them are the same as are already proposed for other industries and public spaces. A lot of them boil down to “wash your hands a lot”. However, there are some specific recommendations such as plexiglass protective panels and provision of PPE that will affect your production budget.
Here’s the link. Please take the time to read through it.