Starting a Waiting List

Image by Wendy Koon from Pixabay

I am pleased to announce that I have signed a contract with a terrific digital services company to help them with their in-house staff resumes. What does this mean to you?

Well, it means that my time has suddenly become even more limited. So if you need help with your resume, please know that I am creating a wait-list situation. I’m currently setting up clients for March, 2020.

Here’s the thing. While many of you contact me via the Feedback mechanism here, it is much quicker and surer to send me a direct email at or use this form.

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If you are new to this site, you may not know that along with all the info here in the archives, I have a YouTube channel with many short videos about crafting a great resume and cover letter, along with other job searching tips. A new thing I’m doing is a monthly (so far) Facebook Live Q&A session, where I’d love to answer your questions about your job search.

Meanwhile, I will still be posting a monthly post deep dive into different job hunting issues, and working on my next book about analyzing job listings. Plus stay tuned for a great interview series with some fantastic successful women currently working in entertainment.